People ride bikes for all sorts of reasons; in fact, there’s probably too many to list. Some mostly ride for fun on weekends or for short trips over a day or two, while others use their bike to commute to work or school, a strictly utilitarian form of transport. Then there’s a small minority that undertake adventure travels on their bike to exotic locations. With the emphasis on adventure.
If adventure is in your blood and you ride a bike, Chris Scott’s book, Adventure Motorcycling: A Route & Planning Guide is a fun read and a very handy resource as you prepare for that big adventure.
Chris Scott’s book covers a mountain of information on long distance, overland travel in Africa, Asia and Latin American. It includes analysis on how to select and prepare a bike and what tools to pack, through to useful hints on how to cross country borders with a motorcycle. Divided into seven parts, the Handbook has the following chapter titles:
Part 1: Planning & Preparation
Part 2: Bike Choice & Bike Preparation
Part 3: Life on the Road
Part 4: Asia Route Outlines
Part 5: Africa Route Outlines
Part 6: Latin America Route Outlines
Part 7: Tales from the Saddle
The information presented in each chapter is detailed and authoritative. As this is the 6th edition, the content is up-to-date as of 2012 with the proviso that certain types of information is always subject to change, such as choices regarding technology and requirements for country based travel - visas, travel papers, shipping documentation. However, the latest updates on this ‘subject to change information’ is relatively easily found through internet searches or by visiting a couple of well known adventure rider sites.
For the adventure rider, the real value in this book is the author’s opinions. Based on extensive personal knowledge and experience gained from many adventure tips by motorcycle over the years, particularly in North Africa, Chris Scott presents wide ranging and well reasoned travel advice. This is a rare commodity.
The writing style is informal and accessible for the non-technical reader. There’s discussion on, for example, the advantages of selecting a lightweight, modern motorcycle and the merits of water cooled engines and electronic fuel injection, without explaining every aspect of the various mechanical components. Where judgements are presented they are generally fact based with well reasoned arguments, often supported by personal experience.
Overall, the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook is an interesting read and valuable resource for any rider. Check out the book's website for additional information about the author and his book.
SOURCE/IMAGES: Adventure Motorcycle Handbook