Set is the early 1990’s, the documentary follows John Britten over one year as he builds the V1000 Britten motorcycle in his garage, with the help of friends and lots of backyard engineering. The bike has legendary status in the v-twin motorcycle racing community. Only 10 were every made, with one now on permanent display at New Zealand’s national museum in Wellington. Sadly John Britten died a few years after this documentary and his motorcycle company never went on to produce more bikes. Although the full documentary is presented in a low resolution format, it accurately documents the development process covering, for example, the use of carbon fibre for structural components, including innovative front suspension, handmade rims and frame, and shows insights into his backyard approach to engine building. The documentary is a visual time capsule of an innovate New Zealander and captures a small part of motorcycling history.
SOURCE: Britten Backyard Vissionary, PHOTO: Motosolvang